AboutCode is participating in GSoC 2025. View the ideas list and the contribution guide for this organization.
Scan code for origin, license and vulnerabilities





pythonjavascriptcc++shell scriptstatic analysisnlpautomatonsearchpostgresqlrustdjangopostgresDjango+PostgreSQLC/Rust/Go


free and open source software license and originpackage and dependencies licensing and originpackage vulnerabilities and securitycode scan and matchingcode analysis and spdxpackage managerslicense-scanoss licensingcopyrightlicense compliancemachine learningsoftware analysisapplication securitydependenciessoftware composition analysissoftware packagesscanningvulnerabilitiesSoftwareCompositionAnalysisLicenseSBOM
Past Projects
VulnerableCode/Vulntotal: Browser Extension
Michael Ehab Mikhail
Implement a Firefox/Chrome browser extension that enables users to use VulnTotal from their browser. The idea is to use Pyodide to run the existing...
Add more data sources and mine the graph to find correlations between vulnerabilities
Ambuj Kulshreshtha
There is a large number of pending tickets for data sources. This project focuses on adding more and more vulnerability data sources and consume...
Enrich SBOM data based on OSSF Security Score Card
Pranay Das
I am developing a pypi package which will be responsible for calling OpenSSF scorecard API or CLI with an open-source github link and fetching the...
Compute summary for all detected packages.
The project aims to improve scanning accuracy by computing summary and license clarity scores for each package and its files, rather than for the...