Beam Community
From distributed systems, to robust servers and language design on the Erlang VM


Programming languages





real timecloudmessagingscalabilitydatabaserealtimecommunication systemclusteringiotinstant messagingdistributed computingdistributed databases
Past Projects
Improving Riak testing suites using Common Test and Intercepts
Gonçalo Tomás
Riak KV is an open source database with a strong focus on low latency, reliability and fault tolerance. Like any well tested computer system,...
Tensorflex: Tensorflow bindings for the Elixir programming language
Anshuman Chhabra
Currently, there is a lack of machine learning tools and frameworks for Elixir. With the number of programmers learning/using machine learning only...
Create an Elixir client for BarrelDB
Jakub Janarek
Make a BarrelDB client in idiomatic Elixir with its tests and documentation. The project scope depending on the progress done may also involve: ...
Monitoring performance of Elixir packages with ElixirBench
Tallys Martins
ElixirBench platform is a proof of concept that already showed its value, the key deliverable is to bring it up and running for nightly performance...
Elixir Idea #1: Typespecs to StreamData generators
Project Description StreamData is a library that adds data generation and property-based testing to Elixir. The goal of this project is to read @type...
Add dialyzer task to Elixir
Gabriel Gatu
Dialyzer is a discrepancy analyzer that ships as part of the Erlang VM. There are two projects that adds Dialyzer support to Elixir applications:...