To optimize the current convex hull algorithm to improve robustness and efficiency. The current implementation (quickhull) has cases which it cannot...
Rendering with Neural Intersection Functions
Jin Ke
Ray tracing involves computationally expensive calculations and geometry with varying degrees of complexity. According to Fujieda et. al[1], a novel...
Develop further the new GUI for BRL-CAD!
The proposal aims to enhance the BRL-CAD experience through a new GUI. Leveraging my software development background, including projects like Website...
Neural rendering
Matteo Balice
The proposed project aims to further investigate the potential of neural networks in accelerating the process of ray tracing for 3D rendering....
OpenSCAD Library Manager
Mohammad Abdussalam
Over the years, a vast collection of OpenSCAD libraries has been developed by the community. These libraries provide pre-written functions and...
Implementation of a g-k converter and Improvements to the existing k-g converter
Ali Haydar
The ability to convert BRL-CAD database files to other formats is an important feature, especially being able to convert the BRL-CAD geometry into a...
Web-based UI integration with Blender
Ziad Ibrahim
This project aims to overcome Blender's limitations with spreadsheets and other functionalities. The goal is to have a web interface running...
IfcOpenShell: IfcTester WebApp
Kshitij Roodkee
The proposal outlines the development of an enhanced web application, IfcTester, for managing Building Information Modeling (BIM) project exchange...
Scripts to generate light simulation input files from 3D models (Issue #85)
1. Python scripts for IFC to OBJ conversion and text file generation: Objective: Develop Python scripts that take an input 3D IFC model and generate...