Expanded Translation for the City’s 311 App with Machine Learning
Mira Yu
Historically, my city's 311 app has only been offered in English, but 37.4% of my fellow Bostonians don't speak English. All residents deserve access...
Requesting City Services via AI-Driven Apps
Hengxu Li
This proposal aims to revolutionize the City of Boston's 311 service request system by integrating AI-based image recognition. The current process,...
Requesting City Services via AI-Driven Apps
Reimagine the Boston 311 app using AI to process images and text and automatically categorize and file submissions. We envision a future where all a...
Accessible and Automated City Service Requests: A Machine Learning Approach
Using machine learning, this project will develop an image processing pipeline that takes a user submitted image from Boston’s 311 app and helps the...