The project consists of simplifying the initial configuration process of OpenWrt-based devices by developing a modular wizard. The goal to complete...
Project Libremesh Pirania, new release.
Henrique Mohr
After the publication of the New Pirania API, a lot has been gained with Pirania in Libremesh. Many communities could be used and even today they use...
LibreMesh Cable Purpose Autodetection
When a community network router ethernet port is acting as a gateway to the Internet or as a border to neighboring networks, the network...
Visualise community data
Pierre Marshall
The Freifunk project collects a snapshot of data from community groups every hour. This has been going on since 2014, and so far the project has...
New Transmit Power Control approach for IEEE 802.11ax Wifi chips
Raul Shahi
Implementation of a novel TPC algorithm in the user space to develop a dynamic power controller, and then in the mac80211 subsystem of the Linux...
qaul BLE Module for Linux with BlueR
Sukhman Singh
Qaul is an internet-independent wireless mesh communication app. With qaul, you can communicate directly from one device to another. This project...
eBPF performance optimisations for a new OpenWrt Firewall
Project Description While the Linux network stack evolved throughout the past years with support for new protocols and features, it has become more...