Python library for packaging and reusing Cloud Computing workload traces
The goal of this proposal is to address the issue of how difficult it can be to package and reuse computational workflows and analyses in genomics...
Crypt4GH Support for GA4GH Task Execution Service API Implementations
Athitheya Gobinathan
Crypt4GH is a file format developed by GA4GH that keeps genomic data encrypted at rest and in transit. Currently, implementations of the TES API do...
Extensible GA4GH Client Library/SDK and Command Line Interface implemented in Rust
This proposal aims to create a client library in rust and command line interface (CLI) for interacting with GA4GH environments in python. It will be...
Dashboard Web Components (React, Vue etc) for file upload and handling
Pratiksha Sankhe
The project's objective is to create adaptable web components utilizing UI frameworks like LitElement. These components will adhere to the Data...
TESK - A GA4GH-TES based Kubernetes batch execution service
Javed Habib
This project endeavors to revamp the Kubernetes batch execution service to adhere to the Task Execution Service (TES) standards established by the...