Intermine Cloud: Making Intermine cloud native and easing deployments
Ankur Kumar
Intermine is a powerful data warehousing, integration and analysis tool used to store and share genomics data. However, setting up an instance of...
Upgrade dependencies of imjs and im-tables, update Docs, add helper methods and improve build chain of these libraries
Laksh Singla
imjs and im-tables, written in CoffeeScript are client-side libraries for querying mine instances and displaying data in tabular format respectively,...
InterMine Schema Validator
As Intermine is providing integrations with different biological data sources, Intermine has to work with different file formats to read data for the...
InterMine single sign-in
In the current scenario, A user logs in the desired intermine and saves the results and the required data. The problem arises when the same user...
Migrate RESTful web services from Struts to Spring
Prabodh Kotasthane
Presently InterMine uses Struts framework which is outdated. InterMine provides RESTful web-services which facilitates to execute custom or templated...
Javascript Data Visualisations
Akshat Bhargava
The current Intermine’s viewer interface works on JavaServer Pages Technology and is planned to be discontinued in a few years. And, a new interface...